New 'No Idling' Signs to Protect LA Communities

Today, LADOT joined a coalition of partners to unveil 'no idling' signs in Wilmington to prevent buses and large vehicles from running engines while waiting in a stationary position. Vehicle idling contributes to pollution and ill-health effects that result from poor air quality and is illegal within the State of California. However, historically, this issue has been difficult to enforce and prevent. It is a particular nuisance for communities in the Harbor area due to the large volume of trucks and commercial vehicles that access the Port…

LADOT Presents The 2021 Annual Report

LADOT is excited to announce the release of our 2021 Annual Report. We are proud of the accomplishments that we made over the course of last year as we continued to navigate the effects of a global pandemic. At every stage and in every project, we made efforts to ensure the delivery of safe and equitable transportation that is dignified and accessibl to all. This publication gives a detailed outline of the many projects and goals that LADOT was able to accomplish over the course of 2021 based on the pillars of our three-year strategic plan.

Taylor Yard Bicycle And Pedestrian Bridge Opening

The ribbon has been cut on the Taylor Yard Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge! LADOT joined, Mayor Eric Garcetti, Supervisor and Metro Board Chair Hilda Solis, Councilmembers Gil Cedillo and Mitch O'Farrell, and the Bureau of Engineering to celebrate the opening of the roughly 400 foot long and 18-foot wide bridge this week.

This bridge connects Cypress Park and Elysian Park neighborhoods, two historic LA neighborhoods which have been long separated by channelization of the LA River. The bridge allows easy access for communities on the…

Mayor Signs LADOT Speed Reduction Plan

This week Mayor Eric Garcetti signed the speed reduction proposal that will allow for LADOT to repeal and reduce speed limit increases on dozens of local streets. This life-saving proposal will reduce speeds by 5mph on over 177 miles of city streets that had previously been increased, as required by the state to ensure enforceability.

“Nothing is more important than the safety of our residents, and we need every tool at our disposal to ensure every decision we make prioritizes their well-being,” said Mayor Eric Garcetti. “The ability to…

Play Streets in Panorama City

Over the weekend LADOT brought Play Streets to the Panorama City neighborhood. The Play Streets program enables the temporary closure of local streets to cars so that they can be transformed into spaces for play, learning, and fun for all ages. For a few hours over the weekend, young Angelenos were able to freely enjoy their neighborhood safely featuring the Box Of Play filled with fun activities like blocks, chalk, jump ropes, and much more.

Play Streets are a partnership between LADOT and community-based organizations as well as local elected…


Following a recent community engagement effort, LADOT is working with StreetsLA and the Office of Councilmember Nithya Raman to advance safety and mobility features on Riverside Drive to improve safety, create protected space for people biking, and encourage safer speeds.

Based on community feedback and design considerations, LADOT will advance “Concept 2,” which will install new parking-protected bike lanes on both sides of Riverside Drive, maintain existing parking lanes on both sides of Riverside Dr, and repurpose one northbound travel lane while maintaining both southbound…

Dear Community member,

Thank you for your interest in the Western Ave Redesign Project (WARP) and in improving your community by sharing your thoughts and experiences traveling on Western Ave.

Over the past several months, the WARP project team met with numerous neighborhood groups and heard from hundreds of individuals, collecting feedback from people who walk, drive, bike, and take the bus along Western Ave. Overwhelmingly, people recognize a need for traffic safety improvements and increased investment along Western Ave. They want the speeding traffic to slow down and…

Rainbow Halo In Memory Of Chyna Waddle and Baby Ikey

Yesterday LADOT stood with the family and loved ones of Chyna Waddle and her unborn son Ikey whose lives were taken by a reckless driver in the LA community of Wilmington.

To honor and remember the lives of Waddle and her son whose lives were taken too soon, LADOT installed a Rainbow Halo near the site of the fatal crash. Rainbow Halo’s are a permanent fixture that reminds us that traffic deaths are preventable, if we slow down we can save a life. We thank the family and friends of Chyna, the Southern California Families for…

LADOT's Taxi Reform Adopted by LA City Council

This week, the Los Angeles City Council approved LADOT's proposed changes to the city’s taxi permitting system. As adopted, the updated rules will represent the first major changes to LA’s taxi regulations since the 1990’s.

The reforms approved include significant changes to the current taxi system in Los Angeles and were designed to improve competitiveness of taxis as a mode of transportation while maintaining safety and environmental standards as well as a fee structure to support a living wage for drivers.

For details of…


Los Angeles, CA (February 15, 2022)

LOS ANGELES – Today the L.A. City Council Transportation Committee approved a life saving proposal by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) to repeal and reduce speed limit increases on dozens of local streets. The proposal will reduce speeds by 5mph on over 177 miles of city streets that had previously been increased, as required by the state to ensure enforceability. The proposal comes as a result of the passage of AB 43, authored by Asm. Laura Friedman and took effect earlier this year, which grants cities more local…