The CTTC Division of the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation reviews and oversees implementation of short-term (less than 72 hours) Temporary Traffic Control Plans. Our function is to ensure Contractor compliance with Federal and State principles and standards when implementing Temporary Traffic Controls (TTC) on City Right-of-Way. This is intended to provide for the safe and efficient movement of road users through and around TTC zones while reasonably protecting users, workers, and equipment in accordance with the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, CAMUTCD, Part 6 (Latest Edition). This page provides guidance & information needed to submit Worksite Temporary Traffic Control Plans to the CTTC Division. These items will assist our team in understanding the nature of your work and help us in providing a quick turn-around time for our review.
- Please refer to our TCP requirement flowchart to determine if a WTCP should be submitted.
- Click here for LADOT Standard Plan Design Guidelines.
Click here to initiate a review of your Worksite Traffic Control Plan (WTCP)

A closure that includes striping changes and/or K-rails for over 72 hours continuously is considered “long-term”. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s ‘Permit Plan Review’ section reviews long-term temporary traffic control plans and temporary signal plans.
Temporary traffic control plans are designed to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic through and around work zones for large projects that require the long term use of the City’s right-of-way. Large project work zones typically include street, travel lane, parking lane, alley and/or sidewalk closures.
All temporary street, travel lane, parking lane, alley and/or sidewalk closures require a permit issued by a City of Los Angeles permitting agency. The two permitting agencies are:
- Bureau of Engineering (BOE)
- Bureau of Street Services (StreetsLA)
The permitting agency determines the need for a worksite traffic control plan-set reviewed and accepted by LADOT's Permit Plan Review Section.
Plan Submittal & Plan Check Process
The Permit Plan Review Section requires a first submittal meeting for all temporary traffic control, traffic signal, and geometric plan submittals. The meeting allows the plan check engineer to understand the project requirements, development layout and impact, and project timelines.
Temporary Traffic Control Plan Sample [.pdf] [.dwg]
Visit the Technical Reference Library for links to Standards and Specifications.
Visit the Plan Review Checklists webpage for checklists, flowcharts and other sample plans.
Plan Review Checklists
Visit the CAD Drafting Manual for LADOT striping and signal drafting standards
CAD Drafting Manual
For questions regarding the processing of Traffic Lane Requirements for B-permit, you can contract LADOT staff at ladot.planprocessing@lacity.org