Hollywood Blvd Safety and Mobility Project
Dear Community Member,
In August 2023, LADOT launched the Hollywood Safety and Mobility Project to reduce the high number of people being killed or severely injured in car crashes on Hollywood Blvd between Gower St and Lyman Pl.
We are pleased to share the final design for this project, which calls for converting a travel lane in each direction into a parking-protected bike lane between Lyman Pl and Van Ness Ave, and replacing on-street parking with a protected bike lane between Van Ness Ave and Gower St. This project will also connect with the Hollywood Walk of Fame project, creating a cohesive corridor linking Hollywood with Los Feliz as part of the Access to Hollywood initiative. This new design will:
- Reduce excessive speed
- Reduce pedestrian exposure while crossing Hollywood Blvd
- Allow safer turns through a center turn lane
- Create a dedicated space for bicyclists and scooters on the street to reduce conflicts with pedestrians
Hollywood Blvd and Hobart Blvd: Existing Condition

Hollywood Blvd and Hobart Blvd: Future Design

(Illustrative only and does not represent final design)
Community Outreach and Survey Results
The design for the Hollywood Safety and Mobility Project was developed through a robust dialogue with community stakeholders involving a diverse array of outreach. In February of 2024, LADOT launched a survey to collect feedback on a preliminary design. Out of 833 responses, 70% indicated strong support, while 18% strongly disagreed with the proposed project design. Respondents who gave the project a low rating expressed concerns about increasing traffic and felt that there were not enough bicyclists along the corridor to justify protected bike lanes. LADOT conducted traffic studies to estimate any increase in vehicle travel times, and determined that the anticipated traffic impact of this design would be relatively minor, while the bike lanes will have broad safety benefits that extend to all road users.
Phase 2: Sunset Blvd Extension
The original project boundary ended at Lyman Pl. However, in response to community input and in order to maximize connectivity, LADOT developed a second phase to extend the project from Lyman Pl to Fountain Ave along Sunset Blvd.
The design for Phase 2 involves improving the challenging intersection of Hollywood Blvd, Sunset Blvd, Hillhurst Ave, Virgil Ave, and Sunset Dr through:
- Left turn signal phasing in certain directions
- A new crossing from Hollywood Blvd to Sunset Blvd
- Restricting traffic on Sunset Dr to right turn in/right turn out only.
Phase 2 will also connect existing bike lanes on Sunset Blvd to the forthcoming protected bike lanes on Hollywood Blvd. In order to accomplish this, cars will no longer be able to park on Sunset Blvd between Hillhurst Ave and Fountain Ave.
The Phase 2 concept illustrated below is a draft and could be subject to change based on technical feasibility.

Existing Hollywood/Virgil/Hillhurst/Sunset/Sunset Drive Intersection

Proposed Hollywood/Virgil/Hillhurst/Sunset/Sunset Drive Intersection

Next Steps
Improvements along Hollywood Blvd between Lyman Pl and Gower St. will be installed this summer. In the coming months, LADOT will be out in the community to prepare and educate local stakeholders about the new street design and the specific construction timeline.
The Phase 2 portion of the project will be installed at a later date. LADOT is currently developing the final design and is engaging local stakeholders along Sunset Blvd and in the surrounding neighborhood. Stay connected for the latest project updates.
If you would like more information about the Hollywood Safety and Mobility project, please go to the project page where you can find a recording of the February 1st Town Hall as well as a copy of the presentation, a Frequently Asked Questions document, and other relevant studies and documents.
If you received this email from a friend or neighbor and would like to be added to the project mailing list, please click here to sign up.
If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback about the project, please email visionzero@lacity.org.