DASH Begins Free Service
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March 23, 2020
Effective Monday, March 23, 2020, LADOT Transit's L.A. DASH service will provide fare-free rides on all bus routes. Customers are asked to board buses from the back in order to maintain social distance between drivers and riders. The front door will remain available to wheelchair riders and those who need the wheelchair ramp. Up-to-date service information is available on LADOT Transit's website.
To limit the spread of the novel Coronavirus, public health officials have encouraged individuals to maintain safe social distance at all times. Backdoor boarding and fare-free rides will help limit interactions between drivers and riders while providing needed financial relief to our customers.
While the state, county, and city have ordered residents to stay at home, transportation remains an essential service that many rely on to meet daily needs including food pick-up, caring for relatives in need, and commuting to-and-from places of employment. In order to continue providing this service while protecting public health, LADOT has ordered augmented cleaning protocols including daily disinfecting of the transit fleet and deep cleaning of all facilities to ensure the safety of our riders and drivers.
For more information about L.A.'s Coronavirus response, visit corona-virus.la.