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Img New Traffic Signal Activated in Cypress Park

New Traffic Signal Activated in Cypress Park

Last week, we joined Councilwoman Eunisses Hernandez in the Cypress Park neighborhood to celebrate the activation of a new full traffic signal installed on Avenue 37 and Figueroa. Prior to this, the intersection had no traffic control devices in place. Now with the installation of a full traffic signal and crosswalk, residents who walk or bike through the neighborhood can feel secure crossing to access the nearby pocket park, businesses, and Metro stop. 

Installing full traffic signals requires significant planning for LADOT engineers as they develop and implement these projects. They must be mindful of any existing infrastructure in the area, anticipate impacts to traffic flow, and, once installed, connect the signal to our ATSAC center to which monitors and sets timing for all signals citywide.

This project is part one of four new signal installations currently being installed along Figueroa Blvd  between Avenue 37 and Avenue 53. LADOT is grateful for all the engineers, designers, electricians, and neighbors who helped make this possible.


LADOT judges the Streets, Art, SAFE Traffic Safety PSA Film Competition


LADOT judges the Streets, Art, SAFE Traffic Safety PSA Film Competition

LADOT is honored to help judge this year’s Streets, Art, SAFE Traffic Safety PSA Film Competition. The competition, created by the non-profit organization Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE), is for high school students to advocate for street safety through creativity and filmmaking. Students from high schools across the southland submitted a PSA about the importance of safe driving, walking, and cycling. This year 60 PASs were submitted. The films were judged on 3 categories on a scale of 0 to 5. LADOT is honored to be a part of such a fun, creative and impactful program to help bring awareness and change. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees of the competition. You can visit Youtube to find a playlist of some of the best video submissions.


Img National Bike Month Bike Lane Of The Week: Watts Central Avenue

National Bike Month Bike Lane Of The Week: Watts Central Avenue

We are currently putting the finishing touches on upgraded safety improvements on Watts Central Avenue. Part of those improvements includes a new bike lane from Central Ave to Imperial Hwy. Central Avenue was named a high-injury network in 2021 due to the high number of crashes that had killed and injured people. Now this bike lane ensures the safety of cyclists with protected bike lanes that run to the right of parked cars and allows much more visibility.


CicLAmini Coming To Watts

CicLAmini Coming To Watts

This month you can join CicLAvia for a CicLAmini with a one-mile ride through Watts on Sunday, May 21st. From 9 am to 3 pm, participants can jog, ride, skate, spectate, or enjoy the route in any way that they choose. CicLAmini is a pedestrian-focused experience. There will be activities popped up all along the 1-2 mile route such as self-guided walking tours, scavenger hunts, games, art, and much more! Mark your calendar and join in on the fun!


LADOT Now Hiring Crossing Guards

LADOT Now Hiring Crossing Guards

LADOT is now accepting applications for new Crossing Guards. Crossing guards keep students safe traveling to and from school and help educate and instill safe, alert walking behaviors in young Angelenos. Our crossing guards are placed at schools throughout the city and help provide experience and judgment to help children navigate a school crossing, while also increasing the visibility of their presence to drivers.

If you are interested in applying for a crossing guard position you can visit the website for the application and instructions on how to apply.


Participate in our Community Surveys:

You are the ultimate expert for your community. LADOT wants your input as we plan projects to improve the safety, sustainability, and livability of Los Angeles communities.


Reseda Boulevard Complete Streets Project


Reseda Boulevard Complete Streets Project

As part of the Complete Streets Program, the City is reconstructing Reseda Blvd to improve safety and accessibility for all. Give your feedback on the upcoming improvement and receive updates and more information on the project here.


Storm Damage Survey


Storm Damage Survey

If you experienced damages from the February and March storms, Los Angeles wants you to report it! This data will help the County in applications for State and Federal assistance for storm recovery. Take the survey to help LA learn the extent of local impacts.


Transportation Photos of the Week

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