LADOT's Commitment to Health and Safety
As our local communities continue to experience the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Los Angeles and LADOT request that residents and visitors observe all city and county health guidelines aimed at combating the spread of the virus. LADOT reminds Angelenos that while certain guidelines have been relaxed, hospitals operating at capacity continue to present an ongoing problem for affected individuals in Los Angeles County.
To provide support for the city’s COVID-19 vaccination efforts, LADOT continues to assist in traffic management at vaccination sites, including the largest at Dodger Stadium. At this time, supplies of the vaccines are still extremely limited. The city continues to work with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to receive and distribute limited supplies to frontline workers and individuals who are the most vulnerable. As more vaccines become available, vaccinations at Dodger Stadium will increase to 10,000 - 12,000 per day.
For more details regarding LADOT’s COVID-19 response, please visit ladot.lacity.org/coronavirus.

Broadway Improvement Work Moves Forward
This past summer, LADOT took the first big steps toward a larger vision for improvements on Broadway by initiating construction to provide a safer and better connected street for all. Since the launch of project construction, LADOT crews have implemented improvements such as new street markings, new protected bike lanes, street repaving, new bike lane bollards, and signal timing modifications.
With the completion of project elements on Broadway between Manchester Avenue and Century Boulevard, LADOT crews will now head east to install new improvements on the segment of Broadway between Century Boulevard and Imperial Highway, which will include lane reductions, a new protected bike lane, new curb paint, and pavement repair.
For more information about the city’s work on Broadway, please visit the LADOT Livable Streets Broadway Safety Project page.

Slow Streets L.A. Update
Last May, LADOT launched Slow Streets LA to create and provide spaces for local residents to engage in outdoor recreational activities by calming traffic on select city streets. LADOT continues to work with neighborhood sponsors to maintain Slow Street signs and zones. Currently, 30 neighborhoods participate in the program with a total combined distance of 47.4 miles of Slow Streets.
This Week in Photos:
LADOT field crews installed new signs to assist those traveling in the Downtown Historic Core neighborhood.

LADOT by the Numbers:

With the first stage of Broadway improvements now complete, LADOT is getting to work to install new street elements between Century Boulevard and Imperial Highway on this popular city corridor.
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