Dodger Stadium to Convert to Vaccination Site

Dodger Stadium to Convert to Vaccination Site


Earlier this week, the COVID-19 testing site located at Dodger Stadium ceased testing operations in order to convert to its new primary role as a coronavirus vaccination site. With a capacity to administer 12,000 vaccinations per day, the Dodger Stadium site is managed in part by LADOT, which operates traffic management at the stadium to facilitate proper vehicle ingress and egress. Last week, to address concerns from nearby residents regarding neighborhood traffic, LADOT reconfigured traffic lanes at the stadium to localize a greater proportion of visiting vehicles within the Dodger Stadium parking lot.

Though Dodger Stadium is no longer offering testing, the city continues to offer free tests for all residents at multiple sites across Los Angeles. Information about these sites may be found at For information about the COVID-19 vaccine in Los Angeles, including eligibility for vaccination, please click here.



Celebrating 10,000 Electric Vehicle Charges

Celebrating 10,000 Electric Vehicle Charges


Last week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that there are now over 10,000 commercial electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout Los Angeles, meeting Los Angeles’ goal two years ahead of schedule and giving L.A. the most charging stations of any city in the United States.

“The clean transportation revolution is not a distant vision for the future — it’s a reality happening on our streets right now,” said Mayor Garcetti. “By meeting our most ambitious EV charging goals, we are making it clear: no pandemic can hit the brakes on our campaign to combat the climate crisis, and a healthier, stronger, more equitable and sustainable Los Angeles will be powered by clean energy.”

With 11,045 commercial charging stations on local streets today, the city has now surpassed its goal to help install 10,000 EV charging stations two years early. Los Angeles is now ahead of schedule to meet future targets of 25,000 commercial charging stations by 2025 and 28,000 by 2028.

Last spring, Mayor Garcetti celebrated LADOT’s purchase of 155 electric buses for the city’s bus fleet. The record-breaking order includes measures to make LADOT’s bus fleet entirely emissions-free in time for the opening ceremonies of the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.



Better Bus Boarding

Better Bus Boarding


Last month, as part of a larger series of recent improvements taking place on Avalon Boulevard, LADOT crews installed raised bus platforms at the boulevard's intersections with Manchester Avenue, Slauson Avenue, and 59th, 60th, 61st, and 76th streets. Installed adjacent to bus stops, these new platforms allow easier access for passengers who board and exit buses while also providing inclined sides for use by bicyclists, who may ride up and over the platforms, which are contiguous with the Avalon Boulevard bike lanes.

For more information on LADOT’s recent work toward making Avalon Boulevard a safer and better connected street, please visit the LADOT Livable Streets Avalon Boulevard Safety Project page.



LADOT, Council District 9 Host McKinley Avenue Project Webinar

LADOT is working to improve safety at the intersection of McKinley Avenue and 88th Place in the Green Meadows neighborhood of south Los Angeles. Last week, to facilitate the progress of this project, LADOT collaborated with the office of Los Angeles City Council District 9 Councilmember Curren Price to host an online information session to discuss the proposed improvements at McKinley Avenue and 88th Place.

To view a video replay of the webinar, click here. (For Spanish, click here.)



This Week in Photos:

New bus boarding platforms are now accessible on Avalon Boulevard to help transit passengers safely board and exit vehicles.

This Week in Photos 1


This Week in Photos 2


This Week in Photos 3


This Week in Photos 4


LADOT by the Numbers:

This past week, LADOT...

LADOT by the Numbers 1LADOT by the Numbers 2


LADOT by the Numbers 3


On the Road to Safer Streets:

Check out some of LADOT's newest safety improvements installed on LA streets.


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