Make Your Voice Heard With LADOT Safety Project Surveys
LADOT is on the road to building improved streets in Los Angeles and needs your assistance to identify priorities to help achieve this goal. To help inform this process, LADOT seeks to gather as much feedback as possible from people who use our city’s street network in order to determine which streets are most in need of improvement.
Below, you will find information on several of our recent and ongoing safety projects. LADOT requests that all interested parties please visit the project survey links included in the project descriptions. Your responses will help shape the future of our city's streets and the safety of those who travel on them.
For a list of active project surveys, please click here.
Adams Boulevard Safety Project
LADOT is presently seeking community feedback on an ambitious redesign of Adams Boulevard that will improve safety for all forms of transportation. Over the last ten years, nine people have been killed on Adams between Fairfax Avenue and Crenshaw Boulevard, including six pedestrians — more than almost any other street in Los Angeles. The proposal includes a lane reconfiguration, bike lanes, new crossing opportunities, and signal upgrades. The final details of the project will be guided by community input based on surveys. Stakeholders who regularly use Adams Blvd are encouraged to participate in the survey and learn about the proposed project by visiting ladot.lacity.org/adams.
Avenue 50 and Meridian Street Improvements
LADOT is getting to work on improvements for the intersection of Avenue 50 and Meridian Street in Highland park and needs your feedback to help make this project a success.
The intersection improvements at Avenue 50 and Meridian Street are designed to reduce speeding and cut-through traffic within the neighborhood while contributing to a more comfortable and convenient experience for people walking and biking. Enhancing these local streets with a neighborhood traffic circle and other complementary features will improve safety for biking and walking and will enhance access to multiple community destinations, including Occidental College, several other schools and parks, the Metro L (Gold) Line station in Highland Park, and commercial activity along York Boulevard. Meridian Street in particular offers a comfortable east-west connection through the neighborhood as an alternative to the busier York Boulevard.
LADOT asks that all interested parties please fill out and submit the department’s survey for the Avenue 50 and Meridian Street project by clicking here.
4th Street and New Hampshire Avenue
LADOT is working toward building a safer intersection at 4th Street and New Hampshire Avenue. Part of the 4th Street Greenway Project corridor, the 4th Street and New Hampshire Avenue mini roundabout is designed to calm traffic and improve connections and crossings for everyone, whether walking, biking, rolling, or driving.
Please share your feedback and your experiences by clicking here. To learn more about the 4th Street and New Hampshire Avenue improvements, click here.
Telfair Avenue and Montague Street Intersection Improvements
LADOT is enhancing the intersection of Telfair Avenue and Montague Street in Pacoima with a mini-roundabout, crosswalks, curb ramps, and new sidewalks. This project is a building block in the Pacoima neighborhood network.
LADOT is collecting feedback about this project and the Pacoima neighborhood. Take the project survey by clicking here.
Reseda Boulevard Complete Streets Project
As part of the Complete Streets Program, the city is reconstructing Reseda Boulevard to improve safety and accessibility for all. This multi-agency project is one of the first of its kind, and will transform Reseda by investing $19.5 million into the local community. The project will improve the speed and efficiency of buses along the Reseda Boulevard corridor and will and make the street more beautiful, green, and comfortable for residents and businesses. Project features include improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, traffic signals, and a dedicated space for people riding bicycles.
To keep up to date on the progress of this project, click here to join the Reseda Boulevard Complete Streets mailing list.
McKinley Avenue and 88th Place Safety Improvement Project
LADOT is working to improve safety at the intersection of McKinley Avenue & 88th Place in South LA. This neighborhood street project is designed to slow traffic and create a safer, more people-friendly intersection with a mini roundabout, crosswalks, curb ramps, and sidewalk repairs. This project envisions a hub for a network of local streets that will allow safe connections to popular corridors such as Avalon Boulevard.
To respond to the McKinley Avenue and 88th Place Safety Improvement Project survey, please click here.
LADOT Crews Perform Traffic Signal Maintenance
LADOT crews performed traffic signal maintenance at the intersection of Century Park West and Santa Monica Boulevard to ensure the continued safety of people who travel along this popular city thoroughfare in Century City.
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