Saluting Our LADOT Crossing Guards as Students Return to School

Saluting Our LADOT Crossing Guards as Students Return to School 

When students returned to school this month, LADOT crossing guards were among the familiar faces of teachers and friends welcoming them back from summer vacation. Over the last year, we’ve added more than 150 new crossing guards to our ranks of more than 500 women and men who assist young students at key intersections across the city. LADOT recently implemented numerous safety measures and improvements such as speed humps, crosswalk upgrades, and reduced speed limits, to get children to their classrooms safely. The dedication of each crossing guard ensures these efforts are effective and that every child can safely navigate their commute to campuses across the city.

Our crossing guards are more than just friendly faces at intersections—they are the embodiment of our commitment to safety. By managing traffic, reminding drivers to slow down, and guiding students across busy streets, they help create a secure environment that protects our most vulnerable pedestrians. Their presence is a critical part of our broader efforts to reduce traffic-related incidents and make our streets safer for everyone.

Last week, I was proud to join Mayor Karen Bass and LAUSD Superintendent Carvalho to recognize the contribution of our crossing guards to keeping streets safe. We can all continue to support their work as we move through this school year by doing our part to reduce speeds when we drive and always travel with awareness and care for all road users. 



South Figueroa Lane Reconfiguration Nears Completion

South Figueroa Lane Reconfiguration Nears Completion

LADOT crews are putting the finishing touches on a new lane reconfiguration on South Figueroa St between MLK Blvd and Gage Ave, part of the South Figueroa Street Safety Improvements project. Peak hour travel lanes will be replaced with a permanent parking lane. This new configuration will not only permit drivers to park during the morning and evening rush hours, but will also help calm high speed traffic and reduce the number of travel lanes pedestrians need to cross to reach the other side of the street.

Between 2009 and 2019, 133 severe and fatal collisions occurred on this important commercial and residential corridor. Since 2017, LADOT has prioritized this corridor for safety improvements with the South Figueroa Street project, installing high visibility crosswalks, speed feedback signs, leading pedestrian intervals, 5 pedestrian flashing beacons, 3 protected left turn signals, 4 pedestrian refuge islands, and a pedestrian hybrid beacon.

In 2020, LADOT removed the peak hour lanes from Gage Ave to Imperial Hwy. With the new matching lane configuration north of Gage Ave, Figueroa St now has over five miles of enhanced safety and comfort.

Over the next several years, LADOT will continue to install more new and upgraded traffic signals and pedestrian beacons. Several intersections will also be reconstructed with concrete curb extensions, which “bump out” the sidewalk at the corners to slow down turning drivers and shorten pedestrian crossing distances.



CARE Encampment Removal

CARE+ Encampment Removal

LADOT recently completed a CARE+ Encampment Removal in the Lincoln Heights area, where our Traffic Officers were essential in keeping the community safe and orderly. Last week, our team enforced temporary sign postings and marked vehicles for 72-hour violations to ensure rules were followed, even if signs were removed.

Our Traffic Officers worked alongside the LAPD, showing courtesy, professionalism, and a helpful attitude while interacting with people residing in the vehicles. Their combined efforts resulted in 69 citations and 26 tows, not including vehicles that were moved upon request.

This cleanup was a testament to the hard work and dedication of both the citizens of Los Angeles and LADOT. 



LADOT Traffic Control Demonstration

LADOT Traffic Control Demonstration

On Monday, the LADOT Parking Enforcement and Traffic Control (PETC) team conducted a live demonstration of traffic control at the intersection of 1st and Los Angeles St. This event allowed LADOT staff to witness firsthand the techniques and scenarios our traffic officers navigate daily to keep our streets safe and traffic flowing smoothly.

Some of PETC staff leading the demonstration were DC Freddie Nuno, Sergeant Reginald Allen, Sergeant Lamar Barbre, and Sergeant Dawn Gentle. They not only directed traffic but also took the time to explain their hand signals, techniques, and traffic management scenarios.

Traffic officers play an essential role in keeping our roads safe. From directing traffic during peak hours to managing detours and street closures, they ensure that vehicles and pedestrians can navigate our City’s intersections safely and smoothly.

The demonstration reminded us of the dedication and expertise needed to keep our streets safe. We thank DC Freddie Nuno, Sergeant Reginald  Allen, Sergeant Lamar Barbre, and Sergeant Dawn Gentle for their great work and for sharing their knowledge with us! 



Apply now for the Phase II of the UBM Mobility Wallet Pilot Program!

Last Chance to Apply for Phase II of the UBM Mobility Wallet Pilot Program

The deadline is approaching for applications for Phase II of the Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) Mobility Wallet pilot program! LADOT and Metro are expanding the Mobility Wallet pilot to provide more low-income residents with transportation subsidies. This phase will select 2000 new participants from LA County to receive monthly funds for transit, rideshare, bike share and more.


  • Must be 18 years old
  • Live in LA County
  • Meet program's household annual income requirement based on Metro’s LIFE program
  • Did not participate in Phase I

1000 participants in South LA and 1000 from LA county will be selected from all applications.

Applications for Phase II are open now through August 31, 2024. For full details and to apply, please visit:



Stay Safe and Prepared During Excessive Heat Warning

Stay Cool During Summer Heat

As temperatures stay high during summer months, keep these tips in mind to remain cool, safe, and comfortable: 

  • Stay hydrated and remain alert for signs of heat-related illness like dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and muscle cramps. Check in on your household, family, friends, pets, and neighbors. 
  • Do not leave young children and pets unattended in personal vehicles for any period of time. Cars interiors can reach lethal temperatures quickly.
  • The City of Los Angeles has hundreds of cooling centers open in the form of Recreation and Parks facilities and local library branches.  To find a cool spot near you, visit the Cool Spots LA map online or download the app.

LADOT bus services, including DASH and Commuter Express, are air-conditioned to keep you comfortable as you travel this summer.  Additional safety tips may be found on the Los Angeles Fire Department’s website. For safety information in additional languages, please visit the City’s Heat Relief Outreach Materials.   



Participate in our Community Surveys:

You are the ultimate expert for your community. LADOT wants your input as we plan projects to improve the safety, sustainability, and livability of Los Angeles communities.


Blue LA

BlueLA Crowdsourcing Survey

Your input drives BlueLA powered by Blink Mobility forward. Share your dream destinations & station locations in this quick survey. Let's shape the future of car sharing together!



Blue LA

EV Chargers in South LA

Where do you want to see more EV chargers in South LA? As part of LADOT's UBM pilot, we're installing 100+ EV chargers. Help us determine where chargers are most needed by taking our brief survey.




Blue LA

Metro Active Transport First/Last Mile Aviation/LAX Station

Metro is seeking input on improvements you want to see near the Aviation/LAX station. Take this survey to help prioritize pedestrian and wheel improvements to improve connectivity, accessibility, safety, and comfort for transit riders.




Blue LA

Bureau of Engineering Sidewalk Assessment Survey

The City of Los Angeles is conducting a pilot inventory and assessment of pedestrian facilities. Take the Sidewalk Assessment Survey to help the City make strategic investment decisions regarding pedestrian infrastructure across LA. 



Transportation Photos of the Week








LADOT staff participate in a leadership conference on August 20, 2024


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