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The Best Time to Prepare for an Emergency is Now

The Best Time to Prepare for an Emergency is Now

Here in Los Angeles we are fortunate to have year-round sunshine and access to mountains, beaches, and deserts right at our doorstep. Sometimes these same assets can cause the unexpected, demonstrated by the earthquakes and wildfires we experienced in just the last week.

In addition to the transportation planning, street design, and transit service we offer to get Angelenos where they need to go everyday, LADOT also serves a critical emergency response and public safety role. From identifying evacuation routes, deploying traffic officers to enforce road closures, or providing emergency transportation with our buses, LADOT is a key component to the City’s response to any emergency. LADOT personnel regularly participate in citywide emergency drills hosted alongside fellow city agencies to ensure that during an actual emergency, there is seamless coordination and collaboration across departments to protect the people of Los Angeles.

Emergency preparedness is a shared responsibility and we all have a vital role to play in keeping our city resilient. You can start by assembling an emergency kit with essential supplies, familiarizing yourself with evacuation routes, and staying informed through trusted channels. Sign up to receive emergency alerts at notifyla.org, and make sure to follow @ladotofficial on social media to get real time alerts about detours and other critical transportation updates during an emergency.



EV Charger Installation Underway at South LA Libraries

EV Charger Installation Underway at South LA Libraries

Last week, LADOT’s Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) Electric Vehicle chargers program broke ground at the Hyde Park Miriam Matthews Public Library. In the coming days, crews will be installing conduit in the newly dug trenches. Once completed, these chargers will provide the community with an affordable and convenient way to charge their electric vehicles. Chargers are also planned for Ascot, Junipero Serra, and Vernon libraries.

The new chargers are part of a network of public Level 2 EV chargers installed throughout the UBM South LA project area. So far, ten solar powered Level 2 chargers have been installed at five parks (Gilbert Lindsay Rec Center, South LA Sports Activity Center, Van Ness Rec Center, Slauson Rec Center, and Fred Roberts Rec Center.) 16 more EV chargers will be affixed to streetlights adjacent to additional parks in the area.

34 Level 2 EV chargers have already been installed on streetlights throughout the project area, with 41 yet to be installed. Let LADOT know where you would like to see streetlight chargers in South LA by filling out our survey.

By making EV infrastructure accessible to all, we’ll reduce local air pollution and contribute to a greener future for the City. Learn more about LADOT’s efforts to provide safe, affordable, and equitable transportation to the South LA area on our Universal Basic Mobility website



El Fresco Dining is Going Permanent

Al Fresco Dining is Going Permanent - Deadline Extended

The City of Los Angeles’ popular Al Fresco program, a lifeline for many restaurants during the pandemic, is transitioning to a permanent program. If you have a temporary Al Fresco Use Authorization, you must apply for a permanent permit to continue to offer Al Fresco outdoor dining.

The City has extended the deadline by which businesses must apply for the permanent Al Fresco program to December 31, 2024

Learn about requirements, costs, and submit your application online at buildla.lacity.org/alfresco. The Department of Transportation is available to assist businesses by e-mail at ladot.alfresco@lacity.org or by telephone at 213-928-9606.    




CicLAvia Returns to Hollywood

On August 18th, CicLAvia is transforming the streets of East and West Hollywood into a car-free playground from 9 AM to 4 PM. Enjoy 6.6 miles of open streets perfect for walking, biking, skating, and more. The route is open to people of all ages and abilities.

This CicLAvia will also celebrate the completion of the Hollywood Blvd Safety and Mobility Project. Come explore the new parking-protected bike lanes on Hollywood Blvd as you discover local gems, visit hubs along the route, and experience the neighborhood in a whole new way. Mark your calendars, bring your friends and family, and enjoy a day of fun and community at CicLAvia—Meet the Hollywoods!

Learn more about CicLAvia.



Apply now for the Phase II of the UBM Mobility Wallet Pilot Program!

Apply now for the Phase II of the UBM Mobility Wallet Pilot Program!

Applications for Phase II of the Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) Mobility Wallet pilot program are now open! LADOT and Metro are expanding the Mobility Wallet pilot to provide more low-income residents with transportation subsidies. This phase will select 2000 new participants from LA County to receive monthly funds for transit, rideshare, bike share and more.


  • Must be 18 years old
  • Live in LA County
  • Meet program's household annual income requirement based on Metro’s LIFE program
  • Did not participate in Phase I

1000 participants in South LA and 1000 from LA county will be selected from all applications.

Applications for Phase II are open now through August 31, 2024. For full details and to apply, please visit: metro.net/mobilitywallet1



Stay Safe and Prepared During Excessive Heat Warning

Stay Cool During Summer Heat

As temperatures stay high during summer months, keep these tips in mind to remain cool, safe, and comfortable: 

  • Stay hydrated and remain alert for signs of heat-related illness like dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and muscle cramps. Check in on your household, family, friends, pets, and neighbors. 
  • Do not leave young children and pets unattended in personal vehicles for any period of time. Cars interiors can reach lethal temperatures quickly.
  • The City of Los Angeles has hundreds of cooling centers open in the form of Recreation and Parks facilities and local library branches.  To find a cool spot near you, visit the Cool Spots LA map online or download the app.

LADOT bus services, including DASH and Commuter Express, are air-conditioned to keep you comfortable as you travel this summer.  Additional safety tips may be found on the Los Angeles Fire Department’s website. For safety information in additional languages, please visit the City’s Heat Relief Outreach Materials.   



Participate in our Community Surveys:

You are the ultimate expert for your community. LADOT wants your input as we plan projects to improve the safety, sustainability, and livability of Los Angeles communities.


Blue LA


BlueLA Crowdsourcing Survey

Your input drives BlueLA powered by Blink Mobility forward. Share your dream destinations & station locations in this quick survey. Let's shape the future of car sharing together!




Transportation Photos of the Week








Top Row: Photos from LADOT Transit yard in Downtown Los Angeles is where many LADOT EV buses are stored and receive maintenance.

Bottom Row: LADOT's Advanced Transportation System and Coordination (ATSAC) center allows LADOT engineers to monitor and control traffic signals throughout the city in order to reduce congestion and ensure safe travel conditions.


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