Sherman Way Great Streets Project Reaches Completion
This past week, LADOT, City Council District 3 Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, and community members gathered at the intersection of Sherman Way and Wilbur Avenue in Reseda to celebrate the completion of the Sherman Way Great Streets Project. Implemented on Sherman Way between Wilbur and Lindley avenues, the project — conducted by LADOT in partnership with StreetsLA — aims to revitalize this popular transportation corridor to provide a safer, better-connected, and more visually pleasing area for people walking, biking, or driving to nearby businesses and neighborhoods.
Improvement elements installed as part of the Sherman Way Great Streets Project include:
- High-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK signal) and pedestrian refuge island at Capps Avenue and Sherman Way.
- Protected left turn at Reseda Boulevard and Sherman Way.
- Protected left turn at Lindley Avenue and Sherman Way.
- Streetscape improvements, including new lighting, landscaping, and street furniture, as well as stormwater management and green street elements.
- Pedestrian-friendly sidewalk graphics and “Walk Your City” signage.
- High-visibility continental crosswalks and upgraded curb ramps throughout the project zone.
- Installation of Hart Street/Etiwanda Avenue bike boulevard to complement Sherman Way improvements, including shared lane bicycle markings, speed humps, and a mini-roundabout at Baird Avenue and Hart Street.
Additional information about the Sherman Way Great Streets Project may be found on the LADOT Livable Streets project page.

On the Road to Safer Streets in Council District 1
LADOT joined the office of City Council District 1 Councilmember Gil Cedillo, the Bureau of Engineering, and community members to celebrate the installation of four new rapid rectangular flashing pedestrian beacons, performing a “ceremonial street crossing” at the four improved intersections in Council District 1 earlier this week.
Placed to improve pedestrian safety and visibility, the new rapid rectangular flashing pedestrian beacons were installed at the following intersections:
- Avenue 35 and Eagle Rock Boulevard in Glassell Park.
- Avenue 41 and Eagle Rock Boulevard in Glassell Park.
- Avenue 60 and North Figueroa Street in Highland Park.
- Venice Boulevard and South Bonnie Brae Street in Pico-Union.

Project Spotlight: Lincoln Fast Forward
Interested in learning how the city is working toward a safer transportation experience for those who use Lincoln Boulevard? To assist members of the public and interested parties in learning more about proposed changes to the boulevard — and to gain community feedback — LADOT is now offering twice weekly online informational sessions to discuss the Lincoln Fast Forward project. During April and May, these feedback sessions will take place each Tuesday from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and each Thursday from 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Those who are interested in attending one or more sessions may sign up to do so by clicking here.
In a study of five years of crash data (2013 – 2017), Lincoln Boulevard was found to have 17.9 fatal or severe injury crashes per mile, and has the 11th highest rate of death and severe injury of streets in Los Angeles. The City of Los Angeles is committed to eliminating traffic deaths and seeks public input to make sure any possible safety improvements reflect the community’s needs, character, and culture. The project boundaries of these safety improvements are one mile from the City of Santa Monica border to Venice Boulevard. In addition, the City of Los Angeles and the City of Santa Monica are proposing to improve transit speeds and reliability along Lincoln Boulevard by using the southbound parking lane as a bus-only lane during the evening rush hour, which will avoid impacting automobile travel times.
For more information about Lincoln Fast Forward, please click here.
Al Fresco Expands Program Eligibility
Effective Monday, April 5, 2021, bars in the City of Los Angeles are eligible to apply to participate in the Al Fresco outdoor dining program. Administered by the city and supported by LADOT, Al Fresco allows businesses to expand dining areas into parking lanes, driving lanes, and adjacent private lots to encourage safe physical distancing for customers. For information about the Al Fresco program, please visit corona-virus.la/laalfresco.
Caltrans Seeks Feedback for Active Transportation Survey
Caltrans District 7 is currently seeking feedback to identify the concerns and opinions of local residents regarding where potential pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements should be located near state transportation routes. Feedback will be used to inform various Active Transportation Plans implemented by the department.
To submit feedback, please click here. Your submission is appreciated and will help build a safer transportation network in our city and region.
This Week in Photos:
LADOT crews installed new high visibility pedestrian signage at the intersection of Fletcher Drive and Avenue 32 to improve the safety of those who walk at this popular crossing location in Glassell Park.

LADOT by the Numbers:

Every night, LADOT Traffic Signal Repair crews make sure traffic signals across the city are up to date and running smoothly for your morning commute.
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