Fiscal Year 2022-23 was an exciting year for LADOT. We cut the ribbon on the City’s first-ever 24-hour dedicated bus lane outside of DTLA on Venice Blvd, which will improve travel times for an estimated 20,000 riders daily. We launched our latest DASH route in North Hollywood, connecting riders to schools, recreation, and the Metro B and G lines. We added or upgraded 22 miles of bike lanes, making it easier and safer to commute or run errands by bicycle.
FY 22-23 saw our continued recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. LADOT was able to increase our hiring pace, hiring or promoting 350 full-time employees. We eliminated the backlog of over 9000 service requests, and completed LADOT’s integration with 311. With these advancements, we’re moving forward into the next fiscal year better prepared to serve Angelenos.
Getting children to and from school safely remains a priority for LADOT. In FY 22-23, we installed safety treatments at nearly 100 schools, including lowering speed limits, installing quick build traffic calming treatments, and adding new speed humps. We hired 77 new crossing guards, a nearly 70% increase over the previous year. LA now has more crossing guards than ever to assist and educate kids on the importance of street safety.
We continued our work to achieve our Vision Zero goals across LA. Following the passage of AB 43, LADOT lowered the speed limits on 200 miles of city streets. We installed 27 permanent neighborhood slow streets, designed to slow vehicle traffic and make residential streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists. And approximately 300 new street safety treatments–including new traffic signals, high visibility crosswalks, and leading pedestrian intervals–will better connect walkers and bikers to neighborhood resources.
LADOT is also looking ahead to the future. We recently upgraded our ATSAC facility, which offers real-time traffic congestion management by monitoring vehicle, transit, and pedestrian signals across the City. In addition to reducing travel times for Angelenos every day, ATSAC will provide invaluable support during large events like the World Cup and Olympic Games. We secured over $250 million in state and federal grants, including a $35 million Transformative Climate Communities grant to expand our Universal Basic Mobility program in South LA. With this funding, we can invest in programs to ensure a sustainable and equitable future.
We remain committed to moving Los Angeles forward and building a safe and livable City.